Saturday, September 17, 2005


I said last year I didn't enjoy the nanowrimo experience. Didn't like the pressure, felt too much like cramming for test etc. Now that it's approaching again, I have an unwanted urge to give it another try. Damnit. Now watch me as I justify doing it:

Last year I heard about it last minute, did not have a clue what to write about. Not exactly the best way to pour out 50,000 words. Maybe for some people they can start with a totally blank slate and just get it all out. I'm not one of those - at least, I'm not when the deadline pressure is on. I can crank out a short story or spew a column but really only if I've been chewing on an idea for a little while.

Anyway, this time I have an idea. I'm kind of jazzed about it and I don't know whether to save it up for the event or to just fuck that and write now. The idea's been cooking in my head for a couple of weeks now and it will keep. It'll also require a bit of research. so maybe I'll do that, take some notes and by the time wrimo starts I'll be ready and maybe will even finish it this time.

We'll see.


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