Long time
Thought I'd forgotten about this blog. Nope. Just have been completely idea-less for well over a year now. How sad is that? I do get vague, half-formed story ideas once in a while, but nothing ever comes of them. Either I don't pursue because I'm basically lazy, or there's just nothing to them.
So I can bitch and moan all I like about how "someday" I'll write my novel. But when it comes to actually doing it, I get hit with silly things like 'practicalities' and no story ideas. Practicalities like, I don't have the first clue how one goes about getting a book published. It seems like hard work. Pour your blood sweat and tears into your work of art, and package it up and bundle it off to publishing houses and hope it doesn't get lost in the mountain of other wannabe's works of art waiting to be read? Do you have to have an agent? How does one get an agent if one is, how shall we say, poor?
Do you go with the route that seems to be popular right now which is starting a blog about something quirky, get it popular, hope it gets noticed by the right people and wake up one morning with an offer to publish a novel based on your blogs?
See, these are the things that pummel my brain just when I think I've hit on a fantastic idea and the lazy part of my brain just says, "Oh fuck it. Too much work." And I give up.
Someday I will reconcile those parts of my brain and maybe get something accomplished. Someday. Until then, the lonely stragglers who stumble on this pathetic blog will just have to stumble onto the next one.
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